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About Panopto

All films and audio files shared in Canvas must be uploaded via Panopto.

Where do I find Panopto? 

Panopto is accessible from Canvas.
Click on “Panopto” in a Canvas course menu to access the service. 

You will be logged in automatically. If necessary, use “Authenticate”. 

Direct Panopto login here: Sign in to Panopto

What is Panopto?

Panopto is where you upload, administrate, edit and publish videos. 

Content is organized in folders:

  • You have your own private folder (My Folder) to which nobody else has access. Here you can decide what will be visible to others.
  • All Canvas courses have their own Panopto folder, to which every student and teacher in the course have access. Teachers have access to add content to these course folders.

How do I use Panopto?


Where do I find my videos from Mediasite?

In Panopto you'll find them in the sub-folder Imported from Mediasite under My Folder.

If you can't find your files there, contact eDU. (

Copyright and platforms 

You must own the material you upload. Normal copyright rules apply. 

Panopto functions to some extent like YouTube, in that you can create recordings, upload videos and share them with whomever you want to. 

Playing back videos functions on most platforms, such as Windows, Mac, Linux, IOS and Android.